
Week of Action Essential Infrastructure

No week of action scheduled yet for 2025.

Information on historical events and weeks of action are available at the following:

Check out the Toolkit.

Medicaid Mondays

Personal stories are powerful. The NVMA calls on folks to share their stories as part of #MedicaidMondays, a critical tactic in our ongoing Medicaid Cut-Offs Organizing Drive. When we share our own experience, our own healthcare story, we break our isolation and we build our movement!

And it’s easy to do! Post a photo of yourself on social media holding a sign, a piece of paper or a dry erase board with the hashtags #MedicaidCutsEqualsDeath, #NonviolentMedicaidArmy, #OrganizeProtectExpandMedicaid, and #Medicaid4All. Include a few sentences on the sign itself (Example 1) stating why protecting and expanding Medicaid is important to you and your family or (Example 2) include only the hashtag on the sign and put your story in the body of the post.

Another option is to make a short video, no longer than a minute or two, stating why protecting and expanding Medicaid is important to you and post to social media with a short blurb and the same hashtags. Examples are below.

Additionally, if it’s easier, you can complete this form to share your story with us!

  1. Example 1:

    Example 1

    I just replaced one hip, I need the other done. It’s great to have Medicaid, but the only problem is when the insurance wanna take you through the ringer. It’s a shame when they know you’re needing help but hassle you for what you need. I need a cardiologist but it’s not easy to get them.

  1. Example 2:

    Example 2

    My name is Tammy Rosing, and I live in Lancaster County. Protecting Medicaid and expanding it to all residents is important to me because we all deserve healthcare and I need to be able to continue to take my life sustaining medication and to keep being able to see my specialist doctors. No one should be cut off of healthcare in Pennsylvania or anywhere in the U.S. #MedicaidCutsEqualsDeath #NonviolentMedicaidArmy #OrganizeProtectExpandMedicaid #Medicaid4All


What is the Nonviolent Medicaid Army?

The Nonviolent Medicaid Army of the poor is a growing, politically independent force of the poor and dispossessed, united across identities, regions, races and issues, modeled after MLK's 'nonviolent army of the poor' from the first Poor People's Campaign of 1968. We are currently active in states like Wyoming, Wisconsin, Texas, Indiana, Georgia, Massachusetts, Illinois, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Maryland and Vermont. We are not a coalition or a campaign but a network of organizations and committees that understand healthcare to be a strategic front of struggle to unite the working class. Find us on Facebook at

What is the Nonviolent Medicaid Army Week of Action?

The 2024 Nonviolent Medicaid Army Week of Action will take place around the country between September 21-28, 2024. The Week of Action will focus on the theme Medicaid Cuts = Death and call attention to more than 25 million people who have been cut from Medicaid since April 1, 2023 as the result of a bipartisan decision that was included in the Omnibus spending bill of December 2022 and then signed by President Biden. Actions around the country will make the invisible visible and shift the narrative, calling for an end to Medicaid cuts, keeping our hospitals open, stopping the privatization of Medicaid, Medicare, and the Veterans Administration and calling for Medicaid 4 All. In the richest country that has ever existed in the history of the world, we know there is enough!
Download the Week of Action Toolkit here:

Who makes up the Nonviolent Medicaid Army?

There are currently over 90 million people in the U.S. who get their healthcare through Medicaid and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program). Those who are on or excluded from Medicaid represent the diversity of the entire working class and are impacted by every single front of struggle there is - be it the fight for housing, a healthy environment, living wages, food, education, freedom from debt, freedom of migration, or freedom from criminalization and incarceration. The fight for Medicaid is common to the North and the South of the U.S. and the fight for healthcare broadly unites the global working class.

Why the Nonviolent Medicaid Army?

As millions more in this country are thrown into the ranks of the unemployed or underemployed, the need for Medicaid steadily increases and healthcare will continue to be one of the top concerns on the minds of the everyday people. We call for "Medicaid for All" - expanding Medicaid to every resident alongside the abolition of Managed Care Organizations and de-commodification of the healthcare system overall. The Nonviolent Medicaid Army centers the leading social force - the poor and dispossessed - in the fight for healthcare as a human right, a transformative demand in the context of a system that seeks to profit off of our pain, sickness and death.

Who can Join the Nonviolent Medicaid Army?

Any organization of the poor and dispossessed whose members are directly impacted by the fight for healthcare as a human right or any of the fronts of struggle faced by those who are on Medicaid or who need it, can and should join the Nonviolent Medicaid Army. The Nonviolent Medicaid Army is a vehicle through which we can cohere leaders to assess the terrain and take strategic action together to grow “the new and unsettling force” into an unstoppable nonviolent army commensurate with the times we are living in.

Poor Peoples Campaign Event Image
